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David Faulkner is a native to the Texas panhandle. He was born in Amarillo, spent his childhood in Groom and attended high school in Miami. He is the eldest son of Kenda and Max Ray Faulkner, both of Amarillo. He was the quarterback of the Miami Warriors and led the team to the state championship in football in 1972. David graduated from Texas A&M in 1981 with a degree in veterinary medicine. Dr. David Faulkner, DVM built Hope Veterinary Clinic, P.A in 1981.

As a new doctor, David treated almost all mammalia species in the eighties since Amarillo is an agricultural community and he was fresh out of vet school! He enjoyed pasture cattle and the people who manage them as well as the equine portion of his practice. That said, companion animal surgery and internal medicine began to take up more and more of his time as companion animal medicine boomed.

During the mid-eighties and especially during the nineties, human medicine equipment began to be manufactured with veterinary specific guidelines and software. Futhermore, all pharmaceuticals in human medicine began to be used in veterinary medicine off-label and not long thereafter, off-label usage of medicines became the standard in veterinary medicine and the world of companion animal medicine has never been the same. It should also be mentioned that standardized testing for many diseases and conditions as well as in-house laboratory equipment became widely available and hospitalization of sick and injured animals became the standard of care.

His current interests lie in orthopedic surgery and internal animal medicine of the canine and feline species.

Dr. Faulkner encourages his staff to be very involved in the treatment and care of every patient and to recognize the pets’ individual needs. He emphasizes to his staff how important it is to provide clients with pertinent information involving cherished pets. He also strives to bring in new equipment yearly to stay current with the changing trends in veterinary medicine.

The mission statement for the clinic is “We support the human-animal bond.” He and his staff live that every day.

David’s other interests include Texas hold ‘em poker, golf, the occasional fishing trip and last but not least, Texas A&M football!